Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Not About Luck

Like I mentioned in my first post, I'm a recent graduate. Which means, I'm looking for a job right now... Which means, I'm currently unemployed... Which means, I have no income right now... HAHA. Sad life. I've only been looking for jobs for about two weeks, and I don't really know what I'm supposed to be expecting. Even though I've interviewed for jobs before, I don't think I was trying very hard. Well, that doesn't mean that I'm trying super hard now... but I'm looking for jobs with a different attitude now, I think. XD

By far, one of my favorite little bears that I've made. Not that I'm a believer of luck...  ;p

Quite a number of people I know have already found jobs and are beginning to start work, or have already started work. Some people might call finding a job "luck," but I don't think its about that. Rather, I think that God is the one that will guide me in finding a job. Some people might think that sounds ridiculous, but that's what I truly believe. Now, this doesn't mean that a job is just going to fall out of the sky, but I think my outlook on finding a job has a lot less pressure because I have God behind me. As I do my best in sending out resumes and applying for jobs, I have a lot less stress because God calms me and gives me peace about the whole process.

The bear that I uploaded this time I made quite a while ago. I've been making bears for a while now, and I've been giving them away. This one, I just couldn't bear (HAHA. I'm puny, I know) to give away, so it's now hanging on my Japanese electronic dictionary. So, whenever I use it, I can see it. ;P 

Siiiggghhhh... But now, whenever I look at the bear, I see my Japanese dictionary, and I think about how I'm supposed to be finding a job in the Japanese/Chinese industry... and then I come full circle and think about how I have no job. Haha. What a bleak outlook on life.

Maybe if I look at this bear more,  I can gain more strength from its cuteness?? Haha. XD

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