Monday, July 9, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

Its Monday morning, 9:30. I've been sitting in front of my computer waiting for a phone call from the company back home. I know the recruiter has other things to do during the day, and I know that I'm not going to get a phone call immediately... but I'm so anxious. I haven't been able to focus at all... (granted... its only been about an hour an a half since I woke up).

This keychain reminds me of my church because of the colors.
For some strange reason... I think these colors reflect the church. Haha. XD

This is the kind of person I am. Someone that worries and someone that overanalyzes and has a one track mind. I know that, once I pick up that phone call, I will have to honestly consider what I want to do with my life. Where the church stands in my heart and where I want to go. The reason why this is such a struggle for me is because I love my church in SD. Its taken me four years in college to finally find a church that I love, and that loves me back. I'm not saying that there are no other churches out there that are solid and loving and caring... but God brought me to this church... and I love this church. But now, with this job offer hanging above me... I don't know what to do. From a spiritual standpoint, there is no competition.

And yet, I waver.

Haha. I feel like my last few posts have been super serious. I think its because, like I said at the beginning of this post, I have a one track mind. I honestly reflect whatever is going on in my brain into whatever I'm doing. So... you guys all get to see what's going on in my head.

1 comment:

  1. awww joy! don't stress! like you've told me so many times, don't worry about it! :) ahahah but really, i know God will lead you to the right decision and as hard as it may be, just have faith! :) i'll be praying for you! :)

    btw, i'm really enjoying reading all of your posts! heheh :)
