Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photography Fun

I've always enjoyed photography immensely. Like I mentioned in my previous blog, anything artsy is always interesting to me. While I was an undergrad, I took one photography class because... well, no matter how hard I try to play around with cameras myself... it would probably be more beneficial if I actually learned from someone else that was a professional.

It was a fun quarter. My TA was strange and quirky, but she made the class very, very interesting. I could never please her with my photos though, at least I don't think so. I came to the conclusion that, she thinks very far outside of the box in the land of abstract while I... I tend to stay inside the box of prettiness.

Needless to say, those were some fun times. Sometimes, when the weather is really nice, I would rather go sightseeing or something. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine and take some photographs. And I'm sure my little bear can agree, going out and taking pictures is a lot more fun than sitting at home and applying for jobs. Haha.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hello, World!

This is my first blog post on this site. :) My name is Joy and I recently just graduated from UCSD! Now, with so much time on my hands... how can I make full use of the time I have before I start working? I've always loved arts and crafts, and I've been told that I'm quite decent at making little art creations. So... why not share it a little bit?

My childhood can only be characterized as filled with arts and crafts. My mother, a landscape architect, loved art and encouraged me to explore art--any form, any way. I've drawn, I've painted, I've sculpted, I've carved, I've cut, I've pasted--and yet I've hardly just begun. Last summer my mother asked me to make some figurines out of polymer clay for the children at our local church and, with nothing to do in the summer, I happily obliged. That's what started my polymer clay craze. And I love it. :) Even though it takes time and effort, I've never made something unwillingly or hated what I made. Sure, they each have their imperfections, but hey--that's who I am. An imperfect being creating imperfect creations... but thanking the Lord that He gave me the talent and capabilities to enjoy such a hobby.

Well, in any case, I've been told a number of times I should do something more than just hide my creations in a closet and so... here it is! My blog of little creations. The little things that bring me joy. 

Enjoy! :)

It's summer! Doesn't it make you just want to go to the beach everyday? Especially since I live in sunny San Diego, when the suns out... it's time to hit those waves!