Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You've Got Mail!


Two posts in a week!! 

That's cuz I'm trying to rush and put all my items up for Valentine's Day. Haha. XD So now you all get the wonderful privilege of reading more of my randomness throughout this week.

In addition, this week has been rough at work... So I really need to do something to get my mind off of work and life in general. Haha. YAY for crafting distractions!

This... is my second least favorite glass creation that I made. Again, I was trying to do something a little bit different, so I veered away from small critters and animals, and just put in random objets (well, not totally random, I hope. :P)

I usually start off by making the base by putting a blob of clay into the jar and pressing it against the bottom of the glass. Since the glass is slightly curved on the inside, its important to get the right shape. Unfortunately, while I made the rest of the sculpture... the base went flat... and so it kinda sticks out straight. Haha. But, since its glued down, it doesn't really move around or anything, so it doesn't really make that big of a difference.

Top View without the cap

I made the letters with "translucent" clay, which looked a little more white before I baked it. Sometimes, I kinda wish I mixed a little bit of white into the clay so it wouldn't turn out so clear-ish. But I guess the result still looks sort of like old-ish looking letters.

The back of my creation

ZOOOOOOOOM INNNNN. Looookit all the details. 

And.... There you have it. Mail in a jar. I was kinda playing around the idea of how snail mail is sort of lost these days. We have so much technology -- Phones, computers, tablets, etc. -- and connectivity is so close to us that we forget how difficult it was, in the past, to get a message across, even to the next town. Now, with just a click of a button, I can update myself on my friend living across the US or the world.

But sometimes, I think snail mail is the best. I love writing and I love handwritten notes. It makes everything so much more personal. Even if your handwriting is not the best, I still think its cute to pass notes and sent handwritten mail to people. Which is why I treasure postcards and letters from my friends. It also builds a kind of anticipation and excitement when I receive a handwritten note from someone, even if I live in the same city as them, and they personally delivered it to me. When someone takes the time to write out something personal, it means that they had to stop and take the effort to dust off their stationary or pen and paper (probably somewhere in the corner or hidden in their closet) and take time to record their thoughts. And that makes me happy.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and write a handwritten letter to someone. 

But I won't tell you who. 


Monday, January 28, 2013

Here We Go...!

Hello, World!

Okay, so I don't want to upload eeeevvverrryyything, all at once... so I'm going to take it slow and upload my items maybe one or two at a time.

I had planned on posting this up way, way, way earlier... but time somehow slipped away from me, and I didn't get the chance to post anything up.

ANYWAYS. That's besides the point.

I'll be honest with you. This first one that I'm posting up is probably my least favorite one. Why, you ask? :P Haha. I'll show you what I mean:

A looong while back some friends and I had a glass etching party, and so I got these cute, small jars to etch. (Ahh. I have no pictures of the ones I etched cuz I already gave them out for Christmas and never bothered taking pictures of them. :P Ooops. Haha) But etching will be another post at a later date. :)

In any case, the party was super fun and I got a chance to get to know some really cool girls at my church. :) Since we were all newbies at glass etching, we decided that we wanted to do a second crafts night the following week. I, all glass-etched-out, decided that I wanted to put my clay creations into the jars. Before, I had always made keychains or earrings or necklaces (functional pieces, basically), but I wanted to try something different.


This jar is probably the fifth jar that I decorated. Like I said, the other ones I already gave away without documenting. Haha. XD But this was the first jar that was plain (no additional glass etching and no additional decorations on the outside), as well as the first time I attempted to make miniature people.

In my opinion... it turned out quite terrible. :P Haha. Well, it looks okay, but I don't think it looks particularly cute or wonderful. Which... makes me sad. Haha.

Top view cuz... why not? It looks cute from above. XD


I wanted to make them cute and chibi, like Anime characters, but the body turned out too bulky and heavy to stand up on its own. I got so frustrated trying to make cute looking people, that I just turned them into one long pole, and added a round head on top. Aaaannnnddd, this is what it looked like:

Before I added hair or baked it... >_<;;
It looked okay, from my perspective. Plus, I was super frustrated that I didn't even really want to finish this one. Mamma Wu took one look at it and said:

"They look creepy."

Annd, well, I couldn't deny that. They looked strange. Mamma Wu then said perhaps I ought to try and add some hair. So, I added the hair, albeit halfheartedly, and baked it in the oven. The result?



From this little experiment, I learned that I am terrible at making miniature people, and I don't think I'll attempt to do that anymore, unless I get a request to do so. I think its safe to say that I will be sticking to animals from now on because you can make them fat and round and get away with it without offending anyone. :P Plus, they just look cuter as animals.

The next post is another one that I wasn't really satisfied with, but... eh. It was another feeble attempt at trying something new and out of my comfort zone. :P

Stay tuned!!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sneak Peek!

Hello World!

I know I've been terrible at uploading pictures and showing you all what I've been making, but here's to me putting in the effort! Haha. I think it helps that, now that my phone has better camera capabilities (thanks dad!! :D), it's easier for me to directly upload onto my computer without busting out all my wires and stuff (my lazy side rejoices).

So, despite the fact that I only have one photo to show you all... it's still better than nothing, right? :P

And no, sorry to disappoint guys, but its not about MY love life or any relationships per say... but its about Valentine's Day!! Haha.

I know its a little bit early to be thinking of a holiday that's happening in FEBRUARY... but my oh my, how time passes quickly! I'm thinking, if I want to get anything up on my Etsy blog by the time it hits February, I'll need to start NOW. Haha. XD

So today, being the day I do not have to go to work, I started working on some ideas for Valentine's Day. Some of my creations are still in the works, but I'll let you guys in on a secret: it's bigger than a keychain, for once! I decided that I wanted to do something different, something new. So, I'm going to try to make something bigger. The only thing is, I'm not sure how I'm going to ship it. :O But that's only something I have to worry about if I actually sell something. XD Haha.

In other news... I finally submitted my application to grad school!! It's been long overdue, but I finally got everything together, and submitted it a few days ago. Now, it's all in God's hands. I can only pray and remember that, whether or not I get in, it's all up to Him.

I've also come to the conclusion that, YES, I do want to go to grad school for translation and interpretation. I've been kind of back and forth about going to grad school, or just going directly into full-time work, or changing career paths to do design. But, I think, for now, I'm going to do my best to apply and get into grad school. So, grad school apps are not quite over for me yet. But perhaps I'll be applying for next year (seeing as it might be cutting it close for some deadlines for this year). But, that's something else I'm still mulling over. ;P

Okay! Thanks for reading!


Friday, January 4, 2013

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!!

It's hard to believe that it is already 2013...

And the fact that I have been graduated for about half a year.

What have I been doing with my life??? O.o

Haha. No worries, guys. Not having a mental breakdown quite yet.

This is just a quick blogpost about the new year. Nothing fancy, nothing crazy. I'm still going to try my best to upload my artsy creative stuff as often as I can. And, yes, I will try to stay on top of things. Hey, I did say at the beginning of all this that I'm a terrible blogger and have difficulty keeping up. :P But, I try. These kind of habits aren't born overnight (although I with they were).

One new and (perhaps, or perhaps not) exciting addition is that I'm going to try to interject some more creative "thoughts" in addition to my arts and crafts. Because... well, why not? Mix it up a bit. You get a little bit of arts and crafts, a little bit of my personal life, a little bit of my random thoughts. :)

Perhaps I'll think of some new year's resolution to put up here, and then have some sort of record of what I wrote... so that later on I can see how miserably (Shows how much faith I have in myself, eh?) I've failed to uphold them. And yes, you as readers can see how I well/miserably I do! Fun, no?

Well, in any case, its quite late now, and I still have work tomorrow. So its off to bed for me.
