Thursday, October 11, 2012

Eh heh heh.... >.<;;

Helllloooo World!!

*Awkward pause*

Yes. AHEM. It's been a while. Haha.

Did I not say that I would be terrible at this whole uploading business?? And have I not fulfilled what I said? Haha. Not an excuse I should be leaning upon, but... well, that's the best you're going to get out of me.


Why have I been away so long?

A number of reasons:

- I went on a vacation
- I started work
- I'm lazy

Prrrooobably kindamaybesorta mostly the last reason. There, the truth is out!

Anyways. Lets move past my awkward attempt to appease those that read my blog, and move onto something more exciting!! :)

Technically, I still have more keychains to upload, which I will... eventually. Maybe, if you read all the way to the bottom... you'll see some more of my creations! *Gasp!* [Sidenote: I'm really random and animated today, especially for a written blog. Hmmm...]

One day, my friend emailed me saying we should try making some earrings... so we did! Now, I don't have pictures of them, but they are ON THEIR WAY. So, no worries folks, you'll see them soon!! Plus, I'm assuming a vast majority of the people reading my blog know my friend.. and therefore know her instagram account, and have already seen pictures of said earrings. Hence, rendering my future post moot. Fantastic. But, I'll post those pictures nonetheless.

But, before I leave, here is a bear holding a heart. I love you! Forgive me! Haha. XD

Yay! Bear holding a heart! There's really no interesting story behind this bear. It just seemed like a rather simple thing to make, so I made it. Haha. Fascinating, I know. :) I had another bear that I made holding a heart, but the bear was lighter color, and the heart was lighter as well. But I kinda like this one better because the heart is shaped better, in my opinion.

ANNND. To top this post off, I'm going to post something that I did NOT create. :D

A few weeks ago some friends came over to prepare for welcome week for UCSD. In the process, as the hours grew later and later, we all started procrastinating more and more, and also got distracted at a MUCH faster rate. It was great fun. Here, this very rabbit, is the result of our procrastination and distraction. To the person who created this rabbit, yes, I'm posting without your permission.


It's just so...


;) Hahaha.


  1. hi!! so apparently now i know when you update your blog on my email when i was replying back to you! (just so you know i wasn't stalking your blog or anything ... or was i? >_> hehe)
    but yay for another post!! :) i really enjoy reading them, even these really random ones! and that bear is super cute!

  2. Thanks, Rachel! :D I appreciate your comments and I'm glad to hear that you are reading my blog! You know how terrible I am at keeping up with this stuff! Haha. :P
