Sunday, July 28, 2013

Breaking the Hiatus


I'm back.

Haha. I've been gone a while because... well, life kinda got in the way.

I got a job (Praise the Lord!), and it's basically taken up most of my time... and my life. Before getting a permanent job, I've always been told to "make the most of my time," something I truly should have taken to heart. I never realized how tired I would be coming back from work every day. :(

But, that is another post for another day.

In any case, since work has taken up most of my time... I find it hard to find time to sit down and make things, much less find time to document it and post it up.



I finally downloaded the blogger app onto my phone. And now... blogging should be a little bit easier. I've always been super lazy about uploading pictures from my camera to my computer. However, with the wonders of technology these days, I can now upload my photos from my phone, directly to my blogpost! Granted, if I took nice pictures on my DSLR, I'd still have to face the dreaded tangle of chords and wires, but at least if I make simple craft projects, I can document and post at a much greater ease!

In any case... let's move on to something a little bit more interesting.

A few weekends ago, I went to Michael's with some friends to pick up some items for a craft project we wanted to work on. While browsing, I happened to pick up two gem-drop pendants, thinking that I could use them, somehow, somewhere, during my crafting career. Each one cost $5.99 (+tax), and I had a coupon that gave me 25% off my entire purchase (I felt like quite the winner that day).

That night, I as I was browsing some online shops... I noticed that Anthro sold earrings that looked EXACTLY. LIKE. THE. STONES. I. BOUGHT. 

And, it looked super simple.

The next night, my friends and I had a crafting night (a night I desperately craved...) and so I laid out my supplies for the night.

2x gem-drop earrings; 2x fish-hook earrings

Please ignore the small rings and chain. I thought I'd do something fancy and add some silver chains, but it ended up looking too bulky so I thought... why try to complicate my life anyways?

This project took all of 2 minutes to complete. I think it took me longer to take pictures/document/gettherightlighting than to actually make the two earrings. Haha.

Step 1: Take fish-hook earring and open it up.

Step 2: Place gem-drop into earring.

Step 3: Close the earring.

Can it get any easier than that?? Self-pat on the back!

Annnnnd, here is the finished product!

I'll admit, the earrings are a little heavier than I would have liked, but if you're only going to wear them for a few hours... its really not that big of a deal.

But, come on... 30 bucks (including tax) from the store... verses 15 bucks and 1 minute? Plus, you can totally brag about how crafty you are to your friends (not that I'm encouraging bragging... Uhh... let's just kindly inform your friends).

I spent the rest of the night making other crafts (which will come soon... I promise!!). But these were literally the easiest earrings I've ever made. I still haven't decided what to do with these earrings. Half of me wants to keep them.... but the other half of me kinda just wants to give it away or sell it. Haha. I'll guess I'll figure it out in a few weeks.

Well... that's all I have for today. 

I'll do my best to update more often... but like I stated from the beginning... I've never been consistent nor diligent at keeping up with blogs. I do have a few blog entries I have in mind (both crafty and non-crafty), so please be patient with me!

Thanks for reading!


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